Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring is a Time for Reflection

~Published in the Charleston Gazette - Sunday, March 24, 2013~
Spring rains bring relief from the harshness of winter and new life awakens from the drowsiness of the dormant season. There is an awareness of freshness and abundance—a sense of bounty—as we welcome the divine blessings available to us now.
As I look out my window on this sunny March day, I see trees budding, grass greening, a large forsythia bush on the verge of blooming, and golden daffodils reaching for warm sunshine even as they are blown about by chilly March winds.
I see multitudes of purple violets speckling my lawn. And I smile. I’m remembering long ago days when my young children brought me bouquets of the velvety wildflowers as soon as they appeared each spring. I’d make a big fuss over them, hug the giver and place the delicate flowers in a small vase of water and display them in the center of the kitchen table.
Later on, they brought dandelions – not the most beautiful flower by far, although you might have gotten the impression it was if you’d been an observer and heard my oohing and aahing when a small child proudly presented me with a dandelion bouquet. It, too, was put into a vase of water and placed on the kitchen table and it was easy to appreciate the cheerfulness of the bright yellow flowers.
Ah, how grateful I am for these beautiful memories! It pleases me that they recur every spring, right on schedule.
Spring is the most gratifying season for those who take the time to experience it fully.
There is nothing quite like the smell of an early morning rain in springtime. As rainwater penetrates the earth, it releases a distinctive scent that is evident only in this season. I love taking an early morning walk just to breathe in this unique fragrance.
Do you know what it’s like to step outside and be met with the sweet perfume of freshly cut grass glistening with dew; or to awaken to the sound of birds singing outside your window before dawn?  Pay special attention to the intensity of their twittering. It’s like an early morning concert.
These are only a few of God’s blessings that we may enjoy after a long, cold winter. I’m sure there are many more. But we must remember that the most significant occasion during spring is Easter—the time when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
It is the key to the Christian faith and symbolizes the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him. It gave indisputable proof that He was the Son of God and that he had conquered death at last.
Millions of Christians observe Easter by recognizing His resurrection from the dead and by honoring His glorious promises.
Watching the rebirth of spring floods my heart with joy as it corresponds perfectly with the time we celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord.
It is a glorious time of reflection and gratitude!